Thursday, May 19, 2011

Work done?

Work done? No.

But our website is up and running and our final report has been returned to the professors and we are eagerly awaiting their comments. As soon as we get some feedback we will (if need be) do some changes and then publish it on our website (and here).

So what's left then? Well, just everything. It is NOW that it all begings, it is now that the changes should start to happen. Our work was only meant to be a seed that we planted and we hope that with your help it will grow big and strong.

Now is the time to be active.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Presentation held

So the presentation is done and now "only" remains to finalize the report by monday. We are on good way with it, just need to add a few things to make it as good as possible and we will upload that.

In the meantime feel free to check out our flashsite:

Presentation Day

Today is the day of our presentation. Are we nervous?... no, but still finalizing our final speech. The sun is shining outside and the temperature is almost 19 C degrees and it should be illegal for people here to spend their day indoors!

Our group is having the last presentation of five and the expectations will be high since we actually went to our target destination. We are planning to give the audience the "one piece of presentation" they are asking for! Go gO GO

Friday, May 6, 2011

Sneak Peek

Here's a little sneak peek of what to come. Bringing nature through the wall and into the city. More to come on monday when we have our presentation.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Not gone, just busy busy busy

Don't worry. We ARE still here. We are just very busy with our project right now and the upcoming presentation we will do on Monday. No matter how much we have done it seems that with every page we put into the report we find it necessary to write two more.

But all in all that is a good thing since it means we will get the best possible results. Hopefully. As of now we are doing the layout of the final report, producing some pictures/drawings for the report and presentation and coding the webpage.

Lots to do, so few hours in the day.