Saturday, March 19, 2011

First post from Taipei

After a long fligth to Taipei via Amsterdam which took about 23hrs (and a timezone difference of + 6hrs) we finally arrived at our destination. Jetlag and getting settled took the best of us the day of arrival but we managed to get a few things done still. Today we started of with getting breakfast at 7-11 which consisted of a triangular riceball and something to drink. After that we took the MRT (metro) to our meeting.

We met with some fishermen who took us on their boats on a trip around the river. We got to see alot of the city from a different viewpoint and it was quite the experience. In the middle of the boattrip we stoppad at a local tempelsquare and tried some of the local cuisine. We had some noodles, pigsblood-soup, fried fish and had some jelly dessert. We saw some frogs and turtles but no one dared to try that.

After our lunch we got to go on the river some more before we arrived at the start of a walkway on one of the sides of the river. We walked for a long time before we took a ferry over to the other side of the river and walked along that. We noticed that it was lowtide and we walked out onto the riverbed and could see with our own eyes the shape it is in.

Later we had a fantastic dinner curtesy of JUT Foundation before going to the Tamkang University and meeting up with the other students involved in this program. Right now it is half past two and we should go to sleep so that we are well rested tomorrow.

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